Tunnel Lighting Design|Taiwan Line 2 Tunnel

Tunnel Lighting Design - Taiwan Line 2 Tunnel 2017/06

Tunnel lighting must consider a very complicated visual phenomena. Poor lighting in tunnel environments is a great cause of many accidents. Tunnel lighting is typically divided into entrance lighting, interior lighting and exit lighting however more professional teams such as Rooster Lighting attend to more detail thus the zones are divided into Access Zone, Threshold Zone, Transition Zone, Interior Zone, Exit Zone and Conjunction Zone. Among these zones, the requirements and calculations needed for the entrance zone are more stringent. A gradual decrease in the brightness of the tunnel is needed to make conditions similar to exterior driving conditions. For example, the brightness of the tunnel entrance illumination during the day is determined based on the brightness outside the tunnel, the speed of the vehicle, the field of view at the entrance and the length of the tunnel. 

Lighting Design

The team at Rooster Lighting assists the contractor in the bidding process of the project to the post acquisition review operation, carrying out professional tunnel lighting calculations of a high standard. There are 1347 sets of tunnel lighting equipment and professional optical computing services in the tunnel. 


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