2015MOSA Taiwan Quinchuang Annual Conference - Interactive Ground Projection

2015MOSA Taiwan Quinchuang Annual Conference - Interactive Ground Projection 2015 / 09

2015MOSA Taiwan Quinchuang Annual Conference - Interactive Ground Projection

The conference was held in the 5th Hall of Huashan Art and Culture Zone. The purpose of the conference was to invite many young and successful entrepreneurs from Taiwan and from around the world to a forum event where they could share their own journey and seize new opportunities. A place where they could allow their careers to expand and solidify new connections around the world. 

Projection Lighting Design

In order to showcase different topics and themes of the event, we decided to combine the main visual logo of the event among different visuals in combination of an interactive water simulation. The ripple effect of the water pushes the visual images of the event, allowing people to interact and understand the themes with curiosity and excitement. A total width of 12 meters was the projection space where people could move and ade through the visual projection of water and symbols. We added a sense of new technology with the Event Logo to deepen the meaning of the event and leave a lasting impression on those who visited and participated in the conference.