Shelter Lighting Design|Colourful Hot Air Balloon - Fengshan Transfer Station

Shelter Lighting Design|Colourful Hot Air Balloon - Fengshan Transfer Station 2013 / 06


In recent years, Kaohsiung has placed effort into revitilising public spaces and MRT stations with art to showcase the cutural development of the city. The Colourful Hot Air ballon located at Fengshan Transfer Station is an example of the multi value and function of public art in the urban transportation system. The aesthetics of the art can be transferred so that the citizens can deepen their understanding and appreciation of artistic culture and life in Kaohsiung. 

Lighting Design

Rooster Lighting uses expert lighting methods to provide uniformity of colour and light on the balloon structure to create a new and lively atmosphere for the surrounding environment near the Dongdong art centre. 

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