
We are on DIALux.


Rooster Lighting has become the first offcial DIALux member since 2016.

We are proud to announce that our landscape lighting products are now available on DIALux, the world most widely used professional lighting design software. A total of 13 most popular lighting products were launched at the first time. And we will continue to update more exciting landscape lighting products for designers all over the world! Stay tuned!

Simply refresh and find us in the manufacturer section in DIALux software, or you can download the plug-in at, https://www.dialux.com/en-GB/dialux-partner/rooster-lighting

Or select and direct import the luminaire from lumsearch into the sofware at, https://lumsearch.com/en/search/list/query/a231?bf=U1inS1F5TtaxBmGw2Rzesw