互動投影光雕 高雄漢神百貨精品開幕之夜

互動投影光雕 高雄市  高雄漢神百貨  2019 / 03


高雄漢神百貨精品開幕之夜 花嚮秘境地面互動投影

2019/03/15 - 03/18 為期四天的活動慶祝高雄漢神本館重新以時尚精品旗艦店的概念導入國際15大奢侈精品進駐打造全台唯一的精品百貨。而配合時尚花嚮秘境的主題,我們與漢神百貨合作於入口處以花嚮秘境做為主題的地毯互動投影,歡迎所有到訪百貨的消費者感受到精品的魅力。

We worked with Hanshin department store to celebrate the renovation of 15 international luxury brand flagship stores' grand opening night. The interactive floor projection was created base on following the flowers to secret place theme, which leads the consumers to experience the boutique charm.
